Verified Google Reviews

We present here a selection Verified Google Reviews because we are proud of our popularity with customers. We present them in this simple text format. The reason for this is that, unless you have an active Google Plus account, you won't be able to view them. Also, here is a link if you'd like to try to view them on Google Plus.
Reviews 2016
Abigail Van Alyn
Jan 15, 2016
This approach to learning piano is fresh and elegant, and the book itself is charming and inviting. The method gets learners of all ages past the intimidation phase, encouraging further learning and musical fun. Kids will love the delightful illustrations!
(reply by owner)
Jan 16, 2016
Ah, the intimidation phase! I just skip it.......
Ray Scanlan
Mar 29, 2016
If you are looking for a way to start playing songs on the piano without enduring the traditional purgatory of scales, arpeggios, etc., Piano by Number is the way to go. For children and adults it makes the learning experience much more engaging and is more likely to lead to long-term enjoyment of the instrument. Fantastic!
(reply by owner)
Apr 4, 2016
You're right, Piano By Number delays the scales and arpeggios, but only until the child develops interest on their own level. Thanks!
Reviews 2017
Paul Brancato
May 10, 2017
Piano by number is great for teachers because it makes learning how to play the piano fun for beginners, and we all know that FUN is what it is all about. What is less obvious but quite possibly more important in the long run is that Piano By Number introduces counting to the process of making music.
(reply by owner)
Jun 1, 2016
You're quite right that counting is very hard for kids while they are doing all the other things piano requires. Thank you!
More Reviews
Jennifer Escaravage
Aug 8, 2017
I can't recommend Piano by Number enough. The simplicity keeps my kids going back to the piano day after day, without being asked. They can teach themselves songs they are familiar with and now have a repertoire they can play without the book. As a parent I love watching their confidence grow and their little fingers becoming more and more adept at navigating the keyboard.
(reply by owner)
Aug 12, 2016
That's exactly how it's supposed to work! It's fun to watch the process.
Reviews 2018
J. D. Cooper
Aug 8, 2018
At first you think - this is really simple but how will they learn 'real' music? Then they start playing and a bit of that success makes them curious. The process trained his fingers and his ear. But how about the 'real' music he will need in the church youth choir next year? One day I came home and he was picking out a hymn by looking at the music. He'd connected those buggy scribbles I hated with intervals which comes from seeing it as numbers first, instead of good boys deserving fine apples. Give it a try.
(reply by owner)
Nov 10, 2016
Really glad it worked for you! Thanks!